Hall Refurbishment
As many of you are aware, our main hall is undergoing major refurbishment. We have added this page to keep everyone up to date with the progress. It is going to look great when it is finished. Click on the photos for a larger image.
Keep checking back for updates.
Our renovation work was brought to the attention of the local community in Keighley News:
Renovation work due to start at the Good Shepherd Centre
Renovation work is due to start soon on the building of a Keighley charity which empowers economically and socially disadvantaged people.
The Good Shepherd Centre, based at Presbytery House on West Lane, is modernising its facilities following a £140,000 grant from the Government’s Keighley Towns Fund.
The ceiling will be lowered, as well as a full refurbishment of the windows, to help the room stay warm.
Centre manager Dorota Plata said: ““The refurbishment means we can make better use of the space to support people who really need it. We’ll essentially be creating an additional
room which will be functional, inviting, warm and welcoming.
“We support about 200 people a week and we can serve up to 100 dinners in the hall. The space is used for everything from mother and baby groups, regular luncheon club and craft
group as well as being used by colleges to deliver a variety of courses and youth gatherings, on top of community events and vaccination clinics.
“Our ethos is very welcoming which has been vital in building up trust with a number of different communities. We are well-known amongst statutory bodies for having good
relationships with “hard-to-reach” people in this area. We are so excited to start the building work, which we expect will take a couple of month.”
Bradford Council’s Lead Member for Transport, Regeneration and Planning Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw said: “We are delighted to have been able to support the Good Shepherd Centre
with their bid for funding. The work this charity does with so many varied services to support such a diverse range of disadvantaged people is incredible and very much valued in Keighley.”
Tim Rogers, Chair of the Keighley Towns Fund added: “Transforming the way the charity can make use of the space will make a huge difference to the way they work, which in turn will
benefit the lives of many local people for years to come.”
Before The Work Began!
A reminder of what the hall looked like before the work began.
This week has seen our new fire doors being fitted, they are looking good.
Work has started on routing and replacing the electrics.
Our new air conditioning units are taking shape too!
Our amazing team have worked hard to clear everything from the hall in preparation for the contractors arriving in January.
This week has been a busy one! We started the week by having the cables fitted ready for the lighting units. The Aircon units were fitted outside and connected up (this was a big job!) We had cables added for our emergency exit signs and on Friday the Air con units were commissioned.
The contractors did amazingly well to get to us and start work in the snow!
This week has been a week of waiting.....for plaster to dry! On Monday the plastering began around the hall. We also had the power supply fitted for the electric window blinds. Scaffolding was put in place to enable the contractors to install our new lighting. Things are taking shape!